Products and Prices
All mini-TEGL products are
- Made from the real materials: clay, wood, natural rock, metal
- Created using only non-toxic and environmentally friendly natural components
- Hand-crafted and 100 % Danish according to old traditions, in Denmark back to year 1148
- The solid brickwork can be taken apart using warm water for endless re-use. For OUTDOOR use ordinary cement
- Family toys suitable for all ages from 5 to 86 and for both sexes
- Special mortar of vegetable ingredients and sand.
- True to scale and in eight different scales from 1:33 to 1:3.Most used scale is 1:10.
- Custom sizes, projects and materials are made to order. Please contact us with the details of what you want done.
Accessories and Spares Special assignments- All prices quoted in this list are in Danish Kroner,prices in EUR/us $ are approximately -all excluding VAT and postage.
- CLAY BRICKS are made in 8 scales from 1:3 down to micro size 1:33, but 90% of the sale is in 1:10 From 2014 both in: read-black & white clay
- ROOFING TILES can be supplied in 6 scales as: Winged /Roman / Slates in 4 angles + a strong type for children
- Wooden profiles can be supplied in 5 scales. Most types and all sizes of windows and doors can be constructed using these profiles + glass or aryl + metal ( they can be opened)
- Timber, in scale, for many old half-timbering houses, and Roof constructions of all old and new types.
- Reinforced-Concrete, non-toxic rapid-setting, make any model of modern construction, even suspension bridges. kit 006
- Asphalt for roads, non-toxy, to mix with water and spread out (set 006) indoor use only
- NEWS Now I am making materials for ECOLOGICAL DEMO HOUSE MODELS
- News 2014 Roman Aquaduct kit 014
PRICE LIST for "miniTEGL sets
ex local tax (25%moms) ex transport-- ab. the claywork in Denmark
" The Danish Ecological Family Toy for Life "
mT 002 gift carton for beginners Price 220 DK Kr / 30 EUR / 40us$ weight 2.5 kgs See Photo 002A Photo 002B
A grandmother made the little farm where she was born, and told her grandchildren many things from her childhood, every time they visited her. Later they built a lighthouse and a stable. In this gift / test box we are now packing 175 bricks, roofing materialer, 0,7 kg plant mortar + a building board + the basic manual 1-
--Mayby you will add por. ex. 140 extra bricks 1010-1 (at 10,5$) ( then look later under spareparts )
mT 003 FILLING STATION Price 320 DK kr / 43 EUR / 58 us$ weight 3,5 kgs See photo 003
Most for Boys age 9 years and up. Now with 275 bricks, wooden parts, roofing matr.+ 0,7 kg mortar + non toxy asphalt (see photo ) Later make a Lighthouse or a big bridge--yes anything you want in the comming years.
mT 004 ART TILES price 292 DK kr / 40 EUR / 53 US$ weight 3 kgs See photo 004
For girls and other creative builders, from 8 years and up. This set is fine as well as a sup.for the big sets.
Containing some standard tiles, and many special tiles for round forms, + mortar + wooden parts + special parts for a Round square. Or maybe you will build a Playground with a round pagoda of tile. incl. manual no 1 and 2 + special drawings
mT 024 Read and Build, the Hans Christian Andersen tale: . "The Ugly Dockling" . Price 320 DK kr / 43 EUR / 58 us$ weight 3,5 kgs
A new way of making it special fun and easy to read by "Read and Build" I have rewritten the tale,for easy reading. And every time you have been reading a short chapter together, it is time for you to build what you have just heard about. All the places where the duck was born, the chicken yard, the old people´s house, and at last the fine garden with the little castle. Inclouding the landscape, with the lake, the creek, the garden. Most of the materials are inclouded, but you yourself should find: some small plants, moss, pepplestones dried flowers, all these things are to be fastened in the mT mortar, making a beautifull landscape for the duckling, between the buildings After you have played with this for a time--you can de-solve it all in warm water, wash and dry the tiles etc. and build another tale or story
mT 005 An Allround set Price 584 DK kr / 78 EUR / 106 us$ weight 6,6 kgs
Packed in a solide box, where you can build the little town on the 30x35 cm lid.
Inclouded in the box is: 450 real tiles of diff types, 2 kg plant mortar, wooden parts, for the roofing you also recieve straw and stone slates and wooden slates.For road building you will have my non toxy asphalt. Also inclouded 50 pages instructions, photos, drawings ideas, for many many projects you can make in the years to come.
mT 006 Bridge and Road building in mT concrete + mT asphalt 680 DK kr / 91 EUR / 124 US$ weight 8 kgs
This is a very special set, where you can learn how to make real concrete constructions, BUT IN NON.TOXY SPECIAL MATERIALS, actually I have developed this system at the Danish Constructors Union for teaching students. All materials are included. The lid of the box is shaped as an adjustable universal casting form (First you, and maybe your father, make the plan for the project, well you better start with a little simple casting, then a bigger, and when you are a skilled structor, you can build a big hanging bridge, and other projects, out of this set.
For casting you use the universal mold (adjustable from 3 cm to 70 cm--straight or in angle)
Materials included: casting matr. in scale + spec. rapid cement + ion for reinforcement + non-toxy asphalt. As an engenier you lear calculations for: ( m/cm cubik?, the materiales needed ?, the shrinkage ?, proportiones ? )
! FATHER ! / TEACHER; you see, this is mathematics on any level from 5th. class to the engineering school, but this way it is fun, and easy to understand and remember by anyone--even the most difficult mat. ) All these different construction materials. can later be brought separateley and in a sup.-kit
mT 007 Set for many small houses, por.ex. a village. Fit for a number of younger children or a family
Price 1120 DK kr / 150 EUR / 204 US$ weight 8 kgs
Containing 1.200 solide clay bricks and tiles of many types + Wooden gables and roofing plates + bases at many different houses and buildings and roads and bridges + roofing materiales: straw for tatched roofs, wooden slates, stone slates, parts for bigger houses + 2 kgs of our plantmortar + asphalt+ a lot of instructions and ideas for years of fun playing and learning.
( Of couse some years ahead you might buy the real roofing tiles + windows, and more, using all the bricks at big projects, mayby when you have grown up, you will make a model of your own comming solide new house.)
mT 008 BIG CASTLE of 1.800 tiles Price 1300 DK kr / 174 EUR / 236 US$ weight 11 kgs
A very popular set for boys, girls - and for their fathers, too. Including 1700 old type middle age bricks + 100 rooftiles + wooden and metal parts + 2kg of mortar + simple tools, and a 50 page instruction booklet with tips, ideas photos and drawings + special prints about middle age and Roman constructions. Follow the standard drawing for a 40x40x35 cm castle, or build one of the other old historical castles and the town close by--
Small nature stones can be laid in the walls, along with the tiles, as they did in the old days, and make the buildings bigger. Making a nature stone foundations, and maybe a mountain and a wild landscape around - will make it WOW
Maybe you and your family or your friends, will build a whole middle age town, with a wall around the town.-I can deliver photos and ideas. If you want to have it in the garden or in the aquarium, do the brickwork with cement.
Next time you can use the tiles for a village, or to buildings / tunnels / bridges, at your mini-rail--or at your racing cars--if you a buying some of mini-TEGL´s vegetable asphalt
ROLL-GAME MODELS Yes many young men are making fantastic caves and castles with " miniTEGL" they can even stand for fire--Some prefer our micro bricks and tiles: please look at page 4 other scales
mT 017 a more open castle with 2 round towers 500 DK kr / 67 EUR / 91US$ wight 6 kgs
With 240 standard bricks + 140 bricks for the round towers and more + many special parts. The round towers, are with 3 floors and open backside, behind the 3 walls you can make a gallery -so you can handle figures in the castle. The castle can be build on the lid / bace of 3ox33 cm. Incl. 3 pages of special drawings, eacy to build from, as I have made them in 1:1 + the bacis 16 p.manual + the big 32 p. manual
This set is also fine for ROLL-GAMES for the boys Girls can make a real dream castle at the prince with his white horse, and the prinsesses, or they can build a doll house or a real farm--Yes Anything !
Many Many Schools and museums are using mini-TEGL, because this way they can draw the attention of all pupils in the class by inclouding the practical work, making everything interesting and easy to understand and remember. In this case,the children will be open to learn a lot about, how our for-fathers where living and building 8oo years ago, They will gain more respect for our ancestors, e.g. the way they were building, so elegant and solid, that it has lasted hundreds of years, maybe even two thousand years. Where todays buildings are pulled down after 25 <80 years At the same time they can learn a lot of mathematics on any level.
mT 010 a real Half-Timber Farmhouse from year 1810. Price 1040 DK kr / 140 EUR / 240US$ wight 9 kgs
A half-timbered farmhouse measuring 65x30x30 cm (27"x12"x12")with bricks in the framework on 3 sides, with the backside open for playing, with stable (nature stone floor), with kitchen ( the stow, the tall chimney and floor, all of tile) and the livingroom, with wooden floor, and 2 dubble windows. The roof is to be thatched with thousands of straws, exactley as on the old houses. The foundation is made from nature stones laid in mortar. The framework, and the roof construction, will give you a chance to learn how to do carpentry--But don´t worry, just follow the drawings, and you will learn it, a skill you can use later in life, building a house or fixing some brickwork This model has been build by hundreds of school classes, most of them 10-14 years old, but some just 7 years old boys and girls, and by hundreds of families.
>The windows and the doors are being made from the enclosed woodenprofiles and acrylic glass.
It is much more fun, and satisfieng to make one´s own toy, than just to buy it, or get it. And a "miniTEGL" timberframe house is so much stronger, and look so much more genuine, than a cardbord / plastic og plywood farm, and will give many more hours of good playing.
If you should want to have 250 winged tiles on the roof instead of straw, then just buy mT set 1034-2 (37 us$ )
The whole family can spend the long evenings of winter making this real farm, having many good hours together, all learning a lot. Maybe your family has been coming from Europe ? and maybe they lived in such a house ?. How was their life 150-200 years ago ? Learn & talk about it
After some months, you can rebuild the house to a Watermill, or an old Shop, or The Blacksmith´s Workshop, or an old church--- You can soon download the drawings from our DIALOG BOX
mT 112 SUPER BOX for ALL the BIG PROJECTS mentioned Price 2300 DK kr / 307 EUR / 415US$ 26 kgs
This big box is containing more than 2.000 bricks of all types + 100 winged tiles + 4 kgs of plantmortar + a lot of woodenparts for framework /roof constructions /windows /doors, floor, and parts for small buildings, known from mT set 007-etc. etc. + many type of roofing materiales + non-toxy asphalt + special parts + a 90 minutes instruction and inspiration DVD video in english. At first I show you many projects, then all about the brickwork, the carpentry, roof making, road making, and so on--combine it with the many dravings.
Do you run into a problem you can always send me a mail- asking for help.
In Denmark this big set 112, is being used by school classes of 25 students, age 7 to 15 years, learning: Technic + Mat. + History + Culture + Art., often combined. THE WHOLE CLASS WILL LEARN IT ALL MUCH QUICKER THAN VIA THE TRADITIONAL BOOKS, AND WILL UNDERSTAND AND REMEMBER FOR LIFE. There are jobs for all 25 students, one (or two)as a journalist, taking photoes, and video, writing about the whole project, for the comming exhibition of the project in the school hall, making ALL the children very proud of their fine job. The other children a getting jobs as: timbermen, carpenter, bricklayer, roof thatcher . ect. So in fact, this project is a pre training, a way to learn about different kind of work - before technical school.
mT HTX ECOLOGICAL HOUSE demo set 144 EUR / 197 US$ weight 10 kgs
This education system is being used at schools and for Ecological exhibitions-----SEE the 9 HTX PHOTOS The bricks and roofing tiles - can be used again - even for many other projects, and the woodenparts + solarsystems can be used when a new group / class are doing the HTX project - ( Special HTX DVD can soon be bought )
( extra materials for rebuilding the HTX kit : 30 EUR / 37 US $ )
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .New kit 2014 AQUADUCT mT 014 50 EUR / 67 US $ Copy of a 2000 year old roman aquaduct " water-bridge" with more than 500 bricks + 100 special elements for a 25x6x12 cm construction, can be made watertight - Alternativ use it as an impressing railway-bridge -- or as a 50 cm church- og castle-wall with 6 archs / vaults / windows. Incl. special drawings + info and pictures of the fantastic roman engineering
====== end of mini TEGL standard kits =====
Our product range is much larger. For orders, special sizes, products, or inquiries, please send a email to pein@minitegl.dk
-----Accessories and spare parts----
Normal bricks 1:10 size: apx. 22 x 10 x 7,5 mm / 1"x 1/2" x 21/64"
100 bricks is covering apx 1,85 dm2 = 8 x 23 cm /apx.3"x10" Weight 0,28 kg
Laied flat on a floor covering apx 2,8 dm2 = 12x23 cm /-5x10"--
mT no. Bricks incl. mix can cover apx. price ex Dk VAT for export to reg. firm only (for private + 25%Vat)
mT 1010-1 with 140 pcs (125+15 ½) 30x10 cm 14 EUR/ 19 us $ 0,43 kg 17,5 EUR incl. VAT
mT 1010-2 with 320 pcs (300+20 ½) 65x10 cm 29 EUR/ 39 us $- 1,2 kg 36,3 EUR incl.VAT
mT 1010-3 with 1000 pcs 870+130½) 88x23 cm 80 EUR/ 109 - $ -3,5 kg 100 EUR incl. VAT
mT 1010-6 apx 110 pcs a mix of shapes 14 EUR/ 19 - $ o,6 kg 17,4 EUR incl. VAT
mT 1010-8 apx 300 pcs a bigger mix incl. columns 38 EUR/ 52 - $ 1,5 kgs 47,5 EUR incl. VAT
mT Vegetable mortar / cement 1,5 kg for apx 1.200 bricks Price: 7,5 EUR 10 us $- 9,5 EUR ( the solide brick-work can be desolved in warm water, and bricks reused - mortar fine for landscapes too)
WINGED ROOFING TILES no 1031 rubust type for children 15x23mm
Winged Tiles 1034 in a real 1:10 copy, covering 2,2x3cm WxH <
mT no. Tiles incl. mix can cover apx. price ex Dk VAT for export to reg. firm only ( at private + 25%Vat)
mT 1031-1 100 pcs (87+13 ridge) 31x9cm Roof+ 35cm Ridge 10 EUR/ 13 us $ o,400kg 12,5 EUR
mT 1034-1 102 pcs( 90+12 ridge) 33x18cm Roof+36cm Ridge 19,5 EUR/ 26,5 us $ o,460kg 24,5 EUR
mT 1034-2 252 pcs(232+20 ridge) 51x30cm Roof+60cm Ridge 44 EUR/ 60 us $ 1,2kg 55 EUR
----------------------------------------OTHER SCALES -------------------------
Here are a few prices + info on the 7 other scales in which we are making tiles and bricks- and other materials
mT no. Tiles incl. mix can cover apx. price ex Dk VAT for export to reg. firm only ( at private + 25%Vat)
mT 1234-1 150 pcs in scale 1:12 for Dollhouse covering apx 49,5 x 12,5 cm + ridge 28,5 EUR / 38,5 us $ mT 2034-1 110 - in scale 1:20 for models (96+14 ½) - e.g. 36 x 6 cm + ridge 19,5 EUR / 26,5 us $ mT 3334-1 120 - in scale 1:33 micro tiles 7x7mm / 120 can cover e.g.17x2,5 cm 13 EUR / 17,4 us $
mT 534 BIG TILES in scale 1:5 4,4x5,6 cm each fitting Barbie dolls and Dog houses [pcs 400 kr/55 $] Monk & nun roofing tiles --- we are making them in all the 8 scales - Beaver Tails - - flat tiles - well fit for round conical spire we have then in different types
For more info please see the danish list of products, and the photos and contact me with your wishes on: pein@minitegl.dk
----- in scale 1:15 (no.1534) covering 1,2cm x 2 cm [1034-1234-1534 at the same price
The BIGGEST is in scale 1:3/co.7x9cm The tiniest is only 0,7x0,7cm (dobbelt wing)
For models por.ex scale 1:22½ or 1:35 most people use tile 1534 + brick 1515 og 2015.
ROMAN TILES ( monks and nuns) are made in many scales for museums.
TILE SLATES from 1:5 and down, even in angles for spires and curved roofs.
mT 1060 set for wooden self-making Windows and Doors ( all to open) of almost any size and type. price : 85 DK kr or 11,5 EUR/$
mT 1070 extra matr.for Road and Bridge building.Non-Toxy Asphalt and Concrete price 65 DK kr 9,25 EUR/ $
mT 1000 1 kg of Vegetable Mortar / cement for Brickwork, at apx 1200 bricks price: 36 DK kr or 5 EUR/$
mT 4500 4,5 kg of Vegetable Mortar {see below}(also fine for making Landscape) Price 130 DK kr = 18 EUR/ 24 US $
the very special mT mortar is made of: vegetables from corn and rootcrobs + washed sand + salt.We have made it better and better through the 18 years, I have personally been building with thousands of children. Only with the best mortar the children and youngsters will work for hours and hours, and again nex year, and 5 years later.
it is completley harmles for persons and clothing, just brush and wash it away. You could even eat the mT mortar, but it is NOT ment for it.
Using this mortar, you can later take the solid building apart in warm water, within 2 hours and REUSE the bricks and tiles a 117 times.
Using susstainable plant mortar, it can mold, when it is moistured, therefor used bricks must be dries 100% before storring.
Using ordinary mortar or cement.(from the timber merchant ) the brickwork can stand for water in the aquarium or - for instance in your garden! ask for special info and video.
Video instructions and inspirational films can be supplied in DVD system format.
DVD VIDEO no 1 is 90 minutes: First many projects, then how do you do all the different building-constructions
DVD no 2 Old Scandinavian Wind- and Water-meels
DVD HTX for a ecological house
Art DVD look into the workshops of the most fantastic modern architects, my private takes
Other Video formats and special produced videos, can be custom-made at a charge.
Special assignments
Other scales than those mentioned can be supplied by our small tileworks. We make tiles and bricks in 8 scales of many types - even to special order
Complete replicas of any building, old or new, can be supplied. That way you can see your new project exactly as it will be, outside and inside, before it has been built full-scale. That way, changes can still be easily applied at low cost.
Why not let us make you a replica of a 500 year-old castle for your garden? or maybe you have a GARDEN TRAIN size 1 or 0 or bigger--for wich we can supply fantastic buildings, bridges, tunnels, in kits or ready made.
ARCHITECTUAL MODELS is much better in the real materiales-- Please see more under professional use--or send me a mail on
Yours Tommy von Pein---architect with 40 years of experience