mini-TEGL til hobbybrug
Her på "Verdens mindste Teglværk" fremstiller vi mur og tagsten i hele 8 skalamål, fra micro til MAKRO (se under produkter) ALT kan bygges helt naturtro--Tåler ild og vand. Vi laver også (giftfri) asfalt og armeret beton til f.eks hænge- og skråstags-broer og bygning af veje og pladser ( med betonfliser )
Med mini-TEGL har man en billig hobby. I modsætning til plasticbyggesæt kan mini-TEGL skilles ad (lægges i varmt vand i to timer) og bruges til nye projekter hele livet. Plantemørtelen kan dog ikke genbruges.Til udendørs brug mures med almindelig cement / fliseklæb
Byg selv bygningsværker og hele byer til rollespil. Jeg kan vejlede ud fra næsten 30 års erfaringer med mini-byer Senere kan du se mange flere fotos under Photos
THE GOLDEN CASTLE build from apx. 2.800 bricks (no. 1010+1013+1110+1515 ), by a number of children and adults
BYG NATURTRO OMGIVELSER TIL DINE MODEL-BILER, TOG eller SKIBE ( f.eks. en gammel havnekaj med pakhuse )
The blue VW car is in scale 1:32 + a veteran ? in 1:43 from 1933- Ok the bus in 1:87 don´t fit. The pavement is made in cement with our molds
Make nature like panoramas at your car, train or ship-models e.g. an old habor quay ( se more under Photos )
Build it in thousands of tiny bricks, or have it delivered as hard burned clay-elements according to your design in Scale 1:32 - 1:22 -From mid 2014 even in 1:15 for the big trucks and train models. You are spending so much time and money on the rolling materials, why then have simple buildings in plast or plywood, instead of real model-buildings in tiles and metal.
Byg alle typer middelalderbygninger som naturtro modeller i et af vore 8 skalamål. Brændt ved 800 g.< så de kan holde i 1000 år, som de store teglsten -
mini=TEGL kan bruges inden- og udendørs, kan tåle vand og ild (ved film og rollespils panoramaer) Skal modellerne stå udendørs opmuret i alm. cement, få spec.vejledning. Vi har årtiers erfaringer med mini-byere
Model af Frederiksværk Kirke bygget i mini-TEGL af den pensionerede murer Erik Olsen Frederiksværk , omkring 1980
Model of a danish church, build by an old bricklayer in : bricks no 1010+1014+roof tiles 1034+ mT marble+ copper.
See video of this very fine Church model,and a lot of other models in our 90 minutes Inspiration and instruction DVD 1
Del af Aquadukt bygget i Sverige af billedkunstneren - Christina Hellstadius år 2011
Part of an Aqua-duct made i Sweden by the artist Christrina Hellstadius, I can deliver you many drawings on bridges, from very simple to more demanding , among them a big AQUA-DUCT -- and even Hang-cable and Stag-Bridges in mT concrete
Vandmølle med "Overfaldshjul Vi har også tegning på det ældre "Paddelhjul" som er egnet til ganske lav faldhøjde. . Byg miniTEGL vind og vandmøller til haven eller i micro til vindueskarmen som en del af et blomsterland
WATER MILL for garden or indoor use. We have drawings on other type of wheels- from a museum project we made, showing the history of, how we have been using waterpower through history - The mill can be made like here in scale 1:12 or in any scale from 1:3>1:20 yes- I once made it for a HO rail plant (1:87) playing with my children (the lake was made in polyether) . For the bigger projects you might use a water-pump from an old washing-machine -
I have a lot info about Wind-& Water mills: photos-Videos( in & outside) -history.- drawings ( genuin or simple) Just send me a mail about your plans- I belive I can help you, with my many years of experience in full scale and mini constructions Please look under "Museum" as well, for more old buildings, and photos of roofing-tiles and many types of bricks + our window building sets
My smallest type of bricks - here as a middle-age wall - made acc. to order.
Just mail me a drawing of your dream buildings. to
Clay wall elements, plain and curved - made according to your order -- here shown with bricks 2010 and 2015 monk stones We can even make them in the tiny bricks 3310 -
From early 2014 we start making walls in scale 1:15 as well. Before we burn the elements, we can cut wholes for windows and more, acc to your specification., and space for cross-wood, and deliver you the wooden profiles 2060 for real micro windows and ports Make brick details in our separate bricks - or in our marble /sandstone. Roof in our tiny roofing tiles of various old types. Look under products
It will look much much more natural than plastic models - in special, compared to the foam castles they sell for role- games, and you can design exactly the building you need - Just mail me old photos or dravings of the real building. I work very direct together with my customers, in order to come up with exactly what they need.
200 years old small Danish farm - original copy in 1:20 - only bricks in 1:10 mix - to limit the work
Special mT micro element. Ready to glue in the 2 mm cross-wood
mT soft marbel - easy to cut in - make building art-work - even marbel floors in white and beige stones