More and more schools are using practical materiales to teach the pupils how to understand arithmetic/matematic--history--technic--much esayer and better.
In the Northern Hemisphere- the northern part of the globe, we are spending 90% of our life and apx. 3/4 of all costs on housing, private and public, therefor working with constructions in mini scale appeals to all, mini=TEGL is real building materiales in mini size (now in 8 scales) mini=TEGL can be used on all levels from pre-school to university.
An example: for pupils in class 1, by making small houses, they are training their motorical skills, and at the same time they are learning simple arithmetic--and to sit still dooing a job.
2 month later a 5th class are using the same bricks + wooden profiles + nature matr. constructing a copy of an 18th centry farmbuilding, or a castle from the middel-age, learning the good old construction technics + history + mathematic + history
BY USING BOTH SIDES OF THEIR BRAIN, THE PUPILS WILL LEARN MUCH QUICKER. The wild boys will love to use their hands, and AND WILL BE PROUD TO SHOW THEIR WORK AT THE WHOLE SCHOOL. (thats just our aim , to build up their selfconfidence). The girls love to work with my tiles as well.
THEY WILL ALL, FOR THE NEXT 50 YEARS, REMEMBER WHAT THEY LEARNED THIS WAY and it is only costing apx 1/4 EUR (1,60 kr) per hour per pupil--writing of the investment + materials.
Later the 10th class are making an ECOLOGICAL HOUSE model mT kit HTX, and learn how to build their future home --.Again they try different trades, maybe combined beeing a trainee for a week --learn technique-- high level matematic--sustainable living---private economi -- + SUSTANIABLE CONSTRUCTIONS and LIFE ( about that subject please look at our page the new kit at technical gymnasium & schools HTX will give a lot of now how, about sustainable house building, within very few hours for both young and adults
Build a part of a house i Scale 1:10 With 7 types of insulation - 3 types of solar-heating - floor heating - new light Beams + of course clay brick walls + tiles on the roof, round the solar collectors-(made by the students in copper tubes ) See photos of the HTX model house under "Museums & Photos" click on each photo to have an english text.
Improve education at smaller cost
Virtual reality is fine, but the real thing is better.
mini-TEGL is being used in technical schools, training bricklayers and others, having 10-20.000 bricks and tiles on the school, enable the students to learn and test, big interesting constructions--and learn them to do a more artistic work---try new and old way of using the materials---seeing how to avoid bad constructions, IT IS A WAY TO GET BETTER, MORE BEAUTIFUL BUILDINGS THAN TODAY.
The same goes for ARCHITECTS--to day, they often never have tried to work on a real house, mini=TEGL is giving everyone a possibility to do some construction-work, even it is in scale 1:10 or 1:15 it´s close to life---and it is costing very little---because THE TILES ARE BEEING REUSED BY GENERATIONS and GENERATIONS of STUDENTS
YOUNG PEOPLE AND UNEMPLOYED are being trained many places to give them a start. Making models at local interesting buildings---por.ex. a 7oo years old monastery, is very special-it is interesting---Here they are making the full project with their own hands. And they participate in a project where ten thousands of people later can see and admire their work at the local museum or park ---they can be proud of it--they get some self-confidence. After 3 to 6 month they can start on an education--or get a (lasting) job.--That has been the good outcome for many.
PROJECTS FOR REFUGEES they learn to build different houses-and some language. Then maybe we have a chance to build some real houses and workshops together with them to live and work in. If they later a giving a chance to go back to there home country, they have learned how to rebuild their bombed homes, or if they have to stay away from home, they have a much better chance to work, and make a new life.
IN HOSPITALS they are using mini=TEGL to train the hands on adults and children.
by architect Tommy von Pein, Sösum DK 3670 Veksö, I cooperate direct with teachers -- and with you as well, just mail me Updated prime 2012 +